WASH in institutions are mainly focused on the following components

WASH in Schools (WinS)

In line with the principle of universal access to WASH services, C-WASH prioritises the provision WASH access for institutions particularly Schools and Health Care Facilities. The provision of water supply, sanitation (improved institutional latrines), and hygiene (handwashing facilities) infrastructure is critical in supporting the uptake of critical WASH behaviour change outcomes among pupils, students, and teachers of beneficiary schools who can become agents of generational behaviour change with WASH, as well as patients and staff of Health Care Ficilities as part of the strategy for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) at such health facilities.

The training of schools in soap making by C-WASH also facilitates the availability of soap at handwashing stations to keep them functional at all times.Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategies are also implemented to generate significant outcomes. The integration of water supply, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure has been important in optimising health outcomes from WASH interventions.

Menstrual Hygiene Management is another key aspect of hygiene promotion in schools which contributes significantly to objectives of inclusiveness, equity and gender-responsiveness. Operation and maintenance management of Institutional WASH infrastructure through the implementation of costed and sustainably funded WASH Facilities Management Plans directly feeds into the issue of service sustainability.

WASH in Healthcare Facilities (WinHCF)

WASH in Health Care Facilities

The WASH in Health Care Facilities programme component involves the provision, use and operation & maintenance of water, sanitation and hygiene services for Health Care facilities. The provision of reliable water source, preferably running water for Health Care Facilities along with the construction of separate improved toilets for visitors and health workers, in addition to handwashing facilities with soap at different locations are important in achievinbg the core objective of Infection Control and Prevention. Provision of separate bins for general and harzadous wastes linked to proper treatment and disposal systems is also prioritised by C-WASH in contributing to quality care for the population.


National Network of Community Water Services (NETCOWAS)

NETCOWAS is a national network of community water services created purposely to help provide timely information and technical support to communities whose water systems are faced with operation, maintenance and management challenges which are undermining the technical, operational and financial viability of community-owned and managed water services.

For a community to qualify as a member of NETCOWAS, it should have a water supply system owned and managed by the community or owned and/or managed by a private firm for the community.

NETCOWAS will also implement innovative initiatives, projects and programmes aimed at generating evidence for successful models which can remarkably transform community water utilities.

Please call 0241591184 or send a mail to cwashgh@gmail.com for more information about NETCOWAS